Saturday, August 21, 2010

From Farewell to Fyling

A log of my Haiti trip for those who want to hear.


Day one began very early. Shortened sleep and rapid last-minute essentials thrown into our bags left us saying goodbye to our air conditioned house, running water, soft beds and electricity, and placing us in the midst of loving brothers and sisters in Christ to send us off at the prime time of 4:30 am. Despite the stress and nerves everyone had a smile accompanying their large bags. Standing in the moonlight it was almost surreal to be reminded of the fast approaching reality that we were soon to be very far from home in a whole new culture. After a very encouraging time of powerful prayer and an excited yet somber goodbye, all 13 team members and 26+ bags of gear packed into a truck and van to head out. This was it. The time had come; we were going to Haiti. The drive was no surprise, typical Chicago traffic and sights, and arriving on the curb of the packed airport we were greatly blessed already. A willing attendant took all of our passports at once and checked all of our bags. No hassle, no line, just God making our trip smooth. Of course we then enter the favored part of traveling - security. The line seemed especially long, but with the entertainment of each other it passed surprisingly quickly. Once through the gate we had but a short two hours until our flight to Miami. A convenient McDonald's breakfast and game of Euchre passed the time wonderfully. But now as I sit here staring out at the sky, I remember exactly where I'm going. Wow. How is it that I was chosen by God for this task? A wretched sinner being sent overseas on behalf of the Ruler of the universe. How privileged am I to say that I have the power of the Mighty God behind everything I say. An overwhelming humbling peace washes over me every time I think about the duty that I have been given. My nerves and fears remind me that I need a Savior, but the thought of the Haitian people pumps me up to the point that I can't help shouting about it from the top of Grenier Mountain!! The power of the cross fills my veins, and a smile erupts on my face at the thought of a holy God placing his words in my mouth and love in my heart. May I be strong enough to step aside and allow his power to do work in me. Honestly, I don't know all what to expect. It's monsoon season, the mosquitoes are bad, disease is all over, and the language is different. These are merely surface issues that will form this week into nothing I've ever experienced before. My mind races and I get goosebumps any time I think about all this week will hold. But with prayer behind us and God leading the way, I say bring it on!

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